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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 28, 2020 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free. >> they should be arrested, simple as that. >> these people are supposed to be protecting and serving us. jillian: a fox news alert, mayhem in minneapolis overnight, city blocks nearly burned to the ground was a man shot dead on the street is protests rage in the wake of george floyd's death, the unarmed black man who died as a police officer kneeled on his neck. the violence continues to boil over. rob: the connecticut college students wanted in a murder spree captured. the days long manhunt leading
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police all the way to maryland. we are there live. jillian: a zebra dies into the state, the investigation into michael flynn's unmasking the unravel new problems for the obama administration. "fox and friends first" starts right now. todd: a good thursday morning. jillian: thank you for starting the day with us. let's get to this fox news alert. george floyd protests turning nationwide violent. todd: outraged americans demanding justice for the killing of the unarmed black man looters lighting businesses on fire and trashing police vehicles.
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[crowd chanting] jillian: new development of what the governor calls an extremely dangerous situation. >> reporter: we now know a man was killed outside a pond shop overnight, police haven't confirmed he was looking at what led to his death with the mayor of minneapolis is calling for the national guard to step in as chaos erupted in the streets. teargas, grenades used by officers, protesters countering with fireworks and throwing back the teargas as they demand justice for george floyd. >> from what i understand you murder someone you get arrested for the evidence is there already, they should be arrested. >> at the end of the day these people are supposed to be protecting and serving us. >> the second day of protest in minnesota after floyd was killed as he was being arrested. we want to warn you before showing this disturbing video, and officer using his knee to press floyd's head and neck
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against the pavement. doctors are -- offices claim he was resisting arrest but video contradicts that showing floyd cooperating with officers as he was escorted the cruiser. the president is calling for an investigation into floyd's death saying i have asked the investigation to be expedited and appreciate the work by local law enforcement. my heart goes out to george's family and friends, justice will be served, people across the country are outraged. in los angeles fights breaking out in police cruisers being smashed by rioters, no serious injuries have been reported, the officers at the central floyd's death of not been charged the university of minnesota has announced it will no longer ask minneapolis police for police support on campus. todd: captured, multistate manhunt for the college student wanted in two murders is over.
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jillian: peter manfredonia behind bars after 6 days on the run. griff jenkins is in maryland where he was caught. >> reporter: that is correct, taken without incident. law enforcement agencies tell us at the washington county detention center a source on the ground confirming moments ago he was brought here around 2:00 am. this is where many of the fugitives are brought. what is interesting about this case is what happens next, we are learning from the sources that he will stay here overnight, and later today at 1:00 pm have a bond hearing to be done via video link not because of covid-19 but because that is the way they have been doing these things, that will be the extradition order, to go back ultimately to connecticut, he will remain behind these bars until connecticut comes and gets him. connecticut has 30 days to do so
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but it is a end to a 6-day manhunt for the connecticut student peter manfredonia accused of killing ted deem ares with a machete, a brutal grisly murder and shooting and killing a former classmate, nicholas weisel. it is not clear what he will be charged with. connecticut state police >> the suspect will face justice and this will bring closure, this is important for the families of the victims, all of which have been notified immediately after. >> reporter: this word ends for manfredonia after that long six days which involved nicholas's girlfriend who was made to drive
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him as he made his way from connecticut to new jersey to pennsylvania, last spotted at a sheets convenience store, the gas station north of the maryland border where we are. people can rest easy, tonight manfredonia is behind bars. jillian: the doj taking a major step to fight a masking after revelations from the handling of the michael flynn case. william barr asking a us attorney in texas to review unmasking from before and after the 2016 election, doj spokeswoman sounding off on the new probe. >> unmasking isn't wrong but the frequency, the motivation and reasoning behind unmasking can be problematic. >> reporter: the deeper dive is an offshoot of john dramatic investigation looking to the
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origins of the russia probe. todd: a good milestone in the us as 100,000 americans have now died from covid-19, 390,000 people recovering from the virus come all this as more regions announce new steps to reopen. beginning tomorrow washington dc will reopen dining and hair salons and barbershops, residents in some pennsylvania counties will be able to eat inside restaurants tomorrow and in maryland outdoor dining, youth sports and outdoor pools may reopen tomorrow as well. >> new jersey jim owners suing governor murphy over the state's shutdown order, the owners say the order is unconstitutional and threaten their businesses survival, the state department closed over plumbing issues but owners have been cited several times for defining covid-19 restrictions.
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the gym which reopened last week has capacity of 20%, required members to wear face masks and check temperatures out the door. >> today donald trump is signing an executive order targeting social media following a few this twitter, claiming about mail in ballots was false, the president tweeting and part, quote, big tech is doing everything in their considerable power to censor in advance of the 2020 election. if that happens we no longer have our freedom. the sec calling out the bias. >> this is opinion journalism. they have decided, twitter, to engage the president of the united states with its own partisan political viewpoints. but twitter ceo jack dorsey disagrees tweeting our intention is to connect the dots of connecting statements, show the information in dispute so people can judge for themselves. kind of the bummer. the historic space x launch
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postponed just 17 minutes before liftoff due to inclement weather. >> dragon space x, we are not going to lunch today, your go for 5.100. scrub. >> thunderstorms in his time-lapse video preventing the first manned mission to space from us soil in nearly a decade. >> donald trump and mike pence along with their rise touring kennedy space center ahead of the plan liftoff, the president says he will return for the relaunch this weekend tweeting thank you to nasa and space x for their hard work and leadership, look forward to being back with you on saturday. guess we will be watching again saturday. the doj launching a new investigation into unmasking. >> who was unmasking home can add a lot to our understanding
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about motivation and big picture events. >> what impact could have on michael flynn's case and what else will be learn? penciling a congressman fred keller says we need to root out corruption to drain the swamp, joins us live next. e fair and honest bidding site. an ipad worth $505, was sold for less than $24; a playstation 4 for less than $16; and a schultz 4k television for less than $2. i won these bluetooth headphones for $20. i got these three suitcases for less than $40. and shipping is always free. go to right now and see how much you can save.
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>> we know unmasking inherent isn't wrong but certainly the frequency, the motivation and reasoning behind unmasking can be problematic, looking specifically asked who was unmasking whom can add a lot to our understanding about motivation in big picture events. >> william barr launching a new unmasking investigation, the probe expected to do into unmasking requests before and after the presidential election. jillian: what is there to learn? joining us is pennsylvania congressman fred keller.
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thanks for joining us. as you heard the unmasking itself isn't necessarily the issue but the motivation behind it and the actual leaks. how much is there to learn? >> a lot to learn about who did it and why they unmasked the names and what they were looking for and why were they allowed under the fisa warrants to investigate us citizens with no reason. when you look at the investigation, what they did and the abuse of power we need to get the bad actors so they can be unaccountable to the fullest extent of the law. given power back to the people and not just a few select people in the intelligence committee. rob: let's look at the numbers before and after the election, we see 654, but in 2016 it jumps
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to over 9000, 17,000 in 2018, a little over 10,02019. looking at those numbers critics of the president are going to say there were a lot more unmasking requests during the trump years than the obama years, what is the white house's best response? >> when you look at what is happening and you have seen it happen many times anytime president makes a move people criticize him but when he got elected he promised to make sure the power was turned back to the people and policy to drain the swamp and there's layers of bureaucracy and i will say this, many of the people that go to work in our intelligence agencies are good hard-working people. a few select people are upset the person they wanted to win didn't win. donald trump won and is turning the power back to the people and draining the swamp sometimes exposes some vicious creatures and we need to get to the bottom of the issue.
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>> the house pulled the fisa reform vote after bipartisan pushback, the president had something to say on this, this tweet from yesterday's is, quote, if the fisa bill is passed on the house floor i will veto it. our country had to suffer through the greatest political crime in its history, massive abuse of fisa was a big part of it. what do you make of the events yesterday and what do you expect to happen now? >> i don't think we should do anything until we understand what happened so the reforms we make address and get to the root of the issue making sure people can be held accountable, make sure this doesn't happen again and seeing what we have learned the past few weeks with what happened with general flynn and so on we need to be careful we pass legislation that gets to the core issue and make sure this doesn't happen again. against any other american
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citizen, any other presidential candidate but most importantly to protect the american citizens was when you look at the things people look at under these fisa warrants as far as internet searches, all the information the american people should be concerned. we need to be deliberative and understand all the issues surrounding this. todd: the poster child for the entire discussion is michael flynn. what do you think ultimately happens in his case and how does this discussion that we have had factor into that? >> i would hope michael flynn gets the justice he deserves. he has been the victim of a vicious abuse of power and when you look at all this happened, people telling the president it is not happening, he knew people were looking into and surveilling his team and everybody thought it wasn't true and when you look at what happened with uncovered things
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over the past couple years you have seen abuse of power at the top not by good agents that work every day but at the top and i am hopeful that the american people will get the justice they deserve, not just general flynn but the american people too. >> appreciate you joining us, thank you. it is 18 after the hour. a republican challenging alexandria ocasio cortez drops out of the race, governor cuomo's lockdown orders over through the process. rob: sherry murray is not done fighting, she joins us live next. .
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- america is a democracy, and it starts with you. by participating in the 2020 census, you can make sure that federal funding reaches your community for schools, hospitals, libraries, and other public services, and that your district is represented in congress. the census is safe and confidential, and it's critical that you participate. when you're counted, your community is accounted for. for more information, say "census 2020" into your x1 voice remote and to participate, go to >> a republican challenging
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alexandria ocasio cortez, governor cuomo of string executive orders on the primary election sabotaged her chances. sherry murray's is governor cuomo overthrew the electoral process and she joins us now to explain, thanks for being here, what do you mean when you say governor cuomo's overthrow the electoral process is to blame for you dropping out of the race. >> thank you for having me, a pleasure to be with you and your viewing audience. it is unfortunate but what we have learned, the governor's selective executive orders have really put a range into my campaign. he had the choice to change the election in ways that it could have been a more democratic process but instead he chose to let portions of designating
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nominating process open to challenges and i succumbed to challenges from my opponent in the local establishment. >> let's take a look at the numbers, 11 executive orders were issued by governor cuomo since march 12th. critics would say other candidates were able to deal with those executive orders and remain on the ballot? how the response? >> in part to add insult to injury resourced a vendor we tasked in good faith to collect qualifying petitions and according to the overarching entity, new york city board of elections. that vendor violated new york state election laws so it was a double whammy for the campaign the governor's executive order, had he not selectively changed portions of the petition process
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perhaps we could have prevail. we took our case to court and as of this week withdrew our motion in the court because of my suspension of my campaign. is a tough pill to swallow but i want to thank all the supporters across the great nation who supported our campaign. >> on the topic of governor cuomo we just learned that he gave immunity to nursing home executives who made big campaign donations. look at what we are about to show you, healthcare officials in you from covid-19 lawsuits including executives, board members, trustees, facility administrators and supervisors, because the focus is on healthcare this extended to those in nursing homes. $1.25 million in donations during the democratic primary to the state democratic committee.
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what is your reaction to all this? >> the governor's draconian, heavy-handed, ill-advised executive orders not only killed our most vulnerable population but also our opportunity to ballot and infringed upon my first amendment rights. no secret the governor has seized an insurmountable amount of cash and this is his third term in office and i am hoping the pet projects that he has failed throughout his tenure really brings to light the detriment of his leadership as the governor of new york state. >> this will certainly get a lot of attention in the coming days in light of what is going on in these nursing homes. we appreciate your time and wish you the best of luck in the future. jillian: 25 after the hour, donald trump signaling a end to
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the war in afghanistan. >> within 19 years we want to bring our soldiers back home. >> but hundreds of taliban prisoners were just released. how can we keep the regions save and ensure they won't go back to battle. for state department advisor terrence skinner says we need to learn from the past, she joins us live to explain. these folks don't have time to go to the post office
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they use all the services of the post office only cheaper get a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again.
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>> a multistate manhunt for the college student wanted for two murders is over. jillian: peter manfredonia after sixties on the run is in custody. it was a long few days for a lot of people. >> six days to be exact.
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manfredonia taken into custody without incident. we were told by law enforcement officials he is here at the washington county detention center you see behind me, sources confirm he was brought here at 2:00 am. he will be remaining here until a bond hearing later this afternoon at which time being taken back to connecticut, extradition orders will be given but it is this manhunt that has been a long six days, the connecticut state police are press conference last night said this is how they got their man. >> connecticut state police detectives utilized social media, technology and good old-fashioned police work to track down the suspect. >> reporter: it was quite a trail. let me show you this map, when manfredonia - he then heads on sunday to derby, connecticut, he
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kidnaps his girlfriend to drive him to colombia, new jersey. allegedly uber's to pennsylvania where he was first spotted near a walmart along railroad tracks, he was been spotted in chambersburg yesterday. and in hagerstown. and and by video link to the detention center not because of covid-19 but because that is how they have been doing things regularly.
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rob: george floyd's protest turning violent nationwide. one man killed in minneapolis as outraged americans demand justice for the killing of the unarmed black man. officers claim floyd was resisting arrest but new video. to contradict that showing floyd cooperating as he was escorted to the cruiser. the president is calling for an fbi investigation into floyd's death. jillian: a police officer shot and killed in sheriff stephanie wounded in north dakota. look at the video of a police caravan honoring the fallen officer. authorities say the officers while shot while serving an eviction notice in an apartment complex in grand forks was the gunman is accused of killing a woman inside an apartment. the suspect was wounded is in custody. the fallen officer's name has not been released. rob: top democrats defending
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planned parenthood forgetting $80 million in ppp loans. chuck schumer along with 40 other senators accusing the trump administration of unfairly targeting the abortion provider by pressuring affiliates to return the federal-aid meant for small businesses. democrats argue the fda is trying to, quote, score political points with the white house by trying to reclaim the funds but planned parenthood maintains that their affiliates are eligible for that aid. >> nearly 3 million absentee ballots could be mailed to voters in wisconsin. >> all in favor say aye. >> the election commission approving the plan during an online vote but it is not a done deal just yet. the commission still has to approve a letter that will be mailed to the ballot as the texas supreme court rejects a plan to expand mail in voting due to coronavirus fears. the court ruling says immunity to the virus does not qualify as a disability that would prevent a person from going to the
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polls. >> donald trump says after 19 years it is time for the us and our troops to come home from afghanistan. >> 19 years, we are not acting as soldiers, we are acting as police and we are not sent over there to do police, we want to bring our soldiers back home, bring them back home. you can always go back if we have to, we have to go back we will go back and we will go back raging. >> is now reported november goal moving too fast and what implications would it have on the us health and peace deal? here to weigh in is visiting fellow from hoover institution terrence skinner, thanks for joining us. let's take a look at these numbers, the taliban prisoners released to date, 2000 prisoners released to date, 6000 prisoners ordered released under the us and iran deal. afghanistan freeze 900 taliban
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prisoners overnight. can you speed up the timeline of this? you look at the numbers and see how many we still have over there, can you speed up the timeline without jeopardizing the progress we have made? >> it is a complicated question the us military is considering. there's been quite a media storm around the president's statement that the us should withdraw from afghanistan at a reasonable time but as you know he has been saying this all along and he campaigned on a pledge to end the war in afghanistan. i believe what is being debated about now in the white house and the state department and the pentagon is a responsible timeline, one that may or may not happen around the us election or thanksgiving but a continual look how does the us drawdown the next phase of
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negotiations happening earlier this year, the us and the taliban and came to an earlier agreement. the next phase must include the taliban and afghan government. the us cannot stay in afghanistan forever. to mention the need to withdraw, keep fire off of all parties without giving a firm date. todd: this has been an expensive operation. look at this. $1.57 trillion spent on wars in afghanistan, iraq, and syria since september 11th, 2001, but you have studied this area, you know it inside and out. anytime, there is often a power
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vacuum filled by bad actors. how can we ensure that our drawdown does not allow that to happen? >> by doing it responsibly which means looking closely at the facts on the ground. one historical example i could give you is when the russians began to pull away their support from the 1992 afghan government chaos ensued, the military began to collapse in two years later the taliban emerged. we don't want something like that to happen again. we have about 9000 troops, us troops remaining in afghanistan under the agreement with the taliban and. by april of 2021, the us should be fully withdrawn but that is
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conditioned on the taliban not pursuing greater insurgency. we haven't seen it yet. >> we got to this question and before we let you run. mike pompeo declaring hong kong no longer autonomous slamming china's intervention, china comes back saying facts prove again and again the us is the troublemaker of the world. what do you think of this? >> a potential human tragedy. hong kong has served since the scene -- agreement as a beacon of resistance to the chinese communist party. it has been a beacon of capitalism, democracy and hope in that part of the world and to see it merge with the chinese law suggests really we are going to lose an important center of freedom in a part of the world that needs it badly. >> thank you for joining us.
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>> time now 38 minutes after the hour, new jersey's governor after being sued by some pretty persistent teams. >> the class of 2020, proud to say you will have your opportunity to join with your classmates and families to celebrate your graduation. >> members of the class of 2020 already making their marks but the hard-fought battle isn't over yet, two students and their attorney join us live.
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>> hotels, beaches and restaurants reopening in israel is the country lift covid-19 restrictions but many people are worried about a second wave. in tel aviv, how the government is working to prevent the virus from spreading. >> like a starting to return to
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normal in israel after the country saw 16,000 positive cases of covid-19, just under 300 death. overnight restaurants, clubs and cafés reopened although the government is implemented in key social distancing guidelines, you can see behind me people started to take to the beaches, this is a normal summer seen in the coastal city of tel aviv on the mediterranean but as you mentioned officials are concerned about the possibility of a second wave. we did see this week a number of new cases and religious communities and immigrant communities across the country and also another thing to remember is israel is keeping an ongoing preparation not only for coronavirus but other potential disasters or threats the country faces was one of the reasons you are seeing people on the beaches and returning to normal life is israel was uniquely prepared for a virus outbreak and had
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emergency procedures in place because of where they are placed in the middle east. the key number for officials is 100. if they see hundred cases per day they will start to implement new restrictions. shannon: a win for the class of 2020. new jersey will allow the graduation ceremony starting in july after a major shift by governor murphy. >> the class of 2020, you will have your opportunity to join with your classmates and families to celebrate your graduation. our goal is to ensure our students are given the sendoff they richly deserve. >> this is in part thanks to a brave group of teens who sued the governor saying it was their constitutional right to assemble for the milestone. joining me now is one of those students, senior at toms river icicle, isabella can bury and attorney representing the teens, michael been, thank you for
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joining me, appreciate it. isabella, i will start with you. congratulations. tell me why you felt so passionate about this. >> i felt as though like all seniors we worked so hard to get to this point of our lives and the school year didn't end the way we wanted to but it felt unfair to us that with the lifting of restrictions of certain things that we were not able to have the in person graduation when we can go to the beach the next day or touching all those in the store. the move was implemented across the board, they don't think they would have gotten to this extreme, but it did so we are here and very grateful that we are taking a step in the right direction. >> as a parent you look forward to this all your lives. what has it been like faced with the idea you might not see it
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happen? >> it is hard. it is hard to hear the position of the kids, hard to realize all these milestones were taken away from them and this is the closure that would solidify the year and help bring them back together. it is hard. shannon: give us an update as we look at the new jersey live graduation requirements starting on july 6th, outdoor or drive-through, you can see graduates with the distance between them, you can make a live stream or broadcast available with minimum staff. necessary materials, diplomas and things like that. tell me how we got to this point. >> may 20th, we filed suit on behalf of the students and certain business owners in new jersey. we got to where we think the application of the executive orders which were entered in february became unconstitutional.
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we didn't see any relation between the current public health safety and welfare issues given the number of covid-19 cases in the state versus the way the executive orders were being applied, they appeared whimsical and continue to be whimsical. we see every weekend, you go to lowe's, walmart, target, the boardwalk and it is packed with people and that seems to be okay but yet we demonstrated months ago you can put 1140 students on a football field, 7.5 feet apart. there is no rhyme or reason why certain businesses can open like clothing boutiques, one of our clients can so close that you can buy close at costco, you can buy clothes a target or walmart, there is no rhyme or reason to the way these laws are being applied. east high school has 350 graduation students. if you use the schematically
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provide the state, given to the local school board, you can have each kid, each student the 23 feet socially distant on the field. >> running out of time, you have this plan, you've done the calculations. what do you take away from this? this is a big deal. i have never seen anything like this, not many graduating students have. >> it has definitely been challenging. situations like this you can learn from it and grow from it or sit home and watch it happen and my mom, my friends, a lot of people helping us and it has been challenging and we are growing a lot and i am happy we don't get that spot.
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jillian: thank you for giving us the latest information, thank you very much, we certainly appreciate your time and congratulations again. one of the big tech's most well-known name siding with donald trump in his dust up with twitter. >> we have a different policies and twitter on this. >> from company should not be in the position of doing that. todd: how social media is responding to mark zuckerberg. "the return of drifting"
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"drafting" "the return of the slide job" "ripping the wall" "gas-n-go"
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"bump-n-run" "the return of loud" "nascar is back, and xfinity is bringing you the best seat in the house."
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>> as donald trump gears up to sign an executive order on
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social media mark zuckerberg not fact checking the president. >> we have a different policies and twitter on this. i believe strongly that facebook shouldn't be the arbiter of truth of everything people say online especially these platform companies shouldn't be in the position of doing that. jillian: carley shimkus with serious xm 115 here with the responsible we shouldn't be surprised, they are kind of competitors. >> janice: they argue a lot on decisions and opinions like this but mark zuckerberg making it clear he disagrees with twitter and their decision to fact check the president. his position is social media companies should certainly be a platform for others to share opinions and not make decisions about what is true or false. twitter ceo jack dorsey shot back saying his company is trying to point out disputed information.
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on this boiling into a debate on social media. rafael on twitter says zuckerberg is telling the truth, nothing but the truth. donovan says while i agree with his sentiments, his being incredibly hypocritical, facebook fact checks too, sean saying he is just over social media in general maybe it is time to delete facebook and other social media. donald trump is set to sign an executive order, unclear what exactly is going to be, in that executive order but zuckerberg cautioned against it saying it could result in government censorship. you can catch more of mark zuckerberg's interview at 2:00 pm eastern time on the daily briefing. todd: people are really fired up about this issue. another issue people are fired up about on monday and tuesday, those scenes out of misery, that bar packed with people partying, the missouri bar owner is now speaking out.
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carley: the owner of that missouri bar standing by his decision to host a packed party over memorial day weekend. the owner saying no laws were broken, we stand with our decision to move forward with memorial day weekend plan so we love our customers and we will continue to do our best to provide delicious food, drink and entertainment, the bar owner also says safety precautions were taken like temperature checks and hand sanitizer. all of this being discussed on social media, christina says i stand with that what ajax, they took precautions, this person says i feel for the already were overworked healthcare workers who will be caring for them in two weeks was another commentor says there's personal responsibility in this, on the people who choose to go just crazy that that bar was one such a normal thing to see and now it looks so out of place. >> your 103 and beat coronavirus you can celebrate however you want in my eyes. >> raise a glass to this woman,
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102-year-old woman in massachusetts has recovered from covid-19 and she celebrated in her hospital room with bud light. bud light responding saying the news we need right now, your next beers honest with her daughters as she is feisty and she is certainly a fighter. coming up on "fox and friends first," the double murder suspect captured. we are live outside the jail where the fugitive yukon student is being held. todd: republicans fighting against nancy pelosi's move to change our democracy on-the-fly. proxy voting is flat-out unconstitutional. mark green joins us live one "fox and friends first" returns.
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is the evidence is there already. they should be received, civil is that. >> at the end of the day they are supposed to protecting and serving us. heather: thursday may 20th. mayhem in minneapolis overnight, city blocks nearly burned to the ground, a man shot dead on the street as violent protests rage on. >> all in the wake of george floyd's death, the unarmed black man who died as a police officer kneeled on his neck. we are live with the violence that continues to boil over. >> obligations on the nursing home, they say


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